Worldwide research on rare paediatric diseases

«The advancement of knowledge about rare and uncommon childhood infections and disorders through the participation of paediatricians in the surveillance on a national and international basis»

More than 10'000 clinicians contribute 

The International Network of Paediatric Surveillance Units (INoPSU) is a collaborative organisation. Established in 1998, it currently joins 12 diverse countries which span the globe from Canada to New Zealand. More than 10'000 clinicians contribute and over 300 conditions have been studied so far. 

A Worldwide collaborative organisation

Our latest news, publications and infos

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) incidence calculations for <24 yr olds in Germany

New (NOT-INOPSU!) study out in BMC on "Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)...


INOPSU now on Twitter

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Public health impacts of INoPSU

Published 2009 Public health impacts of the International Network of Paediatric...


Rare childhood diseases: how should we respond?

Published 2008 Rare childhood diseases: how should we respond?. Archives...


Beyond counting cases: public health impacts of national Paediatric Surveillance Units

Published 2007 Beyond counting cases: public health impacts of national...


Rare disease surveillance: an international perspective

Published 2001 Rare disease surveillance: an international perspective....
