02. December 2021
12th INoPSU Scientific Conference, Virtual
Description: Due to the pandemic the 12th INoPSU scientific conference was forced to be virtual.
20. May 2021
11th INoPSU Scientific Conference, Virtual
Description: Due to the pandemic the 11th INoPSU scientific conference was forced to be virtual.
17. July 2018
10th INoPSU Scientific Conference, Glasgow, Scotland
Date: 12 - 13 March 2018
City: Glasgow, Scotland
The International Network of Paediatric Surveillance Units (INoPSU) held its 10th scientific conference in Glasg...
16. October 2016
9th INoPSU Scientific and Executive Committee Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
On August 16, 2016 INoPSU held its 9th Scientific and Executive Committee meeting at the Marriott Vancouver Pinnacle Downtown Hotel, 1128 West Hasting Street, Vancou...